Kendrick came to CHT in October 2018. Growing up he didn’t know his dad and lived with his abusive mother until he was seven. “When I was 7, a teacher saw bruises on me, so CPS took me and my two little brothers away from my mother,” Kendrick remembers. His mother tried to regain custody, but eventually both his parents gave up their parental rights. “My foster mother adopted us and changed my last name when my parents gave up parental rights. From there, I wasn’t and able to see my mom anymore. I would run away and try to find out who my family was. I had a lot of anger and sadness. I used to dream about going to see my mother.”
After high school, Kendrick attended Job Corps and an earned a certification in welding. However, when he returned home, he ended up getting kicked out of his adopted mother’s home. He later found out about Covenant House Texas from a taxi driver.
Since coming to CHT, Kendrick has found employment at Pappasitos. He transitioned into our Rights of Passage program in January. “CHT has helped me with a place to stay and to become more motivated. When I was at home, I had a lot of doubts and negativity, but here people believe in me. All of the staff at Covenant House help me stay out of trouble, and help motivate me to do what I need to do in life,” says Kendrick.
Kendrick plans to continue more certification in welding and to search for his biological mother. “I see others who just say they are going to do something, but they just give up and don’t do anything. For me, I have goals and dreams and I don’t stop until I achieve it. I never give up.”
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